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Sunday Meeting



We meet in the

Stake Center


Worship Services:

10:30 am - 11:30 am

(In-Person &

Virtually by Bishop Approval)


2nd Hour Classes:

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

(In-Person Only)


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Primary: Every Week


1st & 3rd Sundays

Sunday School

(Adult & Youth)


2nd & 4th Sundays 

Relief Society,

Elders Quorum

Young Women,

Aaronic Priesthood


5th Sunday

Adults & Youth



Life Theme

 â˜€ Think Celestial! ☀

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Utah Area Theme

Help individuals and families

to place the Savior and

sacred covenants at the

center of their lives and

to joyfully live the gospel

of Jesus Christ.

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Stake Theme

Love it!  Live it!  Share it!
Look For and Expect Miracles.

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Ward Vision

Strengthen Our

Foundation and Faith

in Our Savior Jesus Christ.

Ward Theme

My dear brothers and sisters,

these are the latter days. 

If you and I are to withstand the forthcoming perils and pressures,

it is imperative that we each have

a firm spiritual foundation

built upon the rock of

our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.


-Pres. Russell M. Nelson-
(The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation; Liahona, Nov 2021)


Ward Scripture

Helaman 5:12

Remember, remember that it is 

upon the rock of our Redeemer,

who is Christ, the Son of God,

that ye must build your foundation; 

that when the devil shall send 

forth his mighty winds, yea,

his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, 

when all his hail and his mighty storm  

shall beat upon you, it shall have

no power over you to drag you down

to the gulf of misery and endless wo,

because of the rock upon

which ye are built,

which is a sure foundation,

a foundation whereon

if men build they cannot fall.

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